Call for Workshops

The chairs of ICIEI 2025 invite proposals for workshops to be co-located with ICIEI 2025. Workshops can have different lengths ranging from 2 hours to a half day.


We welcome workshop proposals on topics within the scope of ICIEI 2025, emerging research areas and applications, multi-discipline topics, and other miscellaneous topics that are well suited to the flexibility that a workshop format provides and that are expected to be of interest to a significant proportion of ICIEI 2025 attendees.

Workshops may consist of any subset of invited talks, paper presentations, discussion panels, and other activities that the workshop organizers would like to propose. The rooms provided for the workshops will have capacities ranging from 30 to 60. Papers submitted to the workshops for peer review should consist of new unpublished work and papers accepted to the workshops will be published in the workshops section of the ICIEI proceedings.

Submission Instructions

Submit a single PDF document containing the following:

  • Workshop Title;
  • Names and contact information for main organizers;
  • Brief description of workshop topic;
  • Brief motivation of why the workshop would be beneficial;
  • Desired length of the workshop;
  • Description of proposed workshop activities and balance between paper presentations, invited talks, panel discussions, etc.

If the proposal is a continuation of past workshops, please give information about the previous workshops (websites, how many years it was held, and approximate number of papers submitted/accepted).

The single PDF file should be submitted to

Proposals Deadline

  • Before November 20th, 2024